Home :: Tribal indian Jewellery :: Waist hips belt :: Tribal waist hips belt-7

Tribal waist hips belt-7

Tribal  waist hips belt-7
Hand Crafted Tribal kuchi waist belt with long cord to tie back. fits any size waist.
But please suggest your waist or hips size so we can make sure its fits u perfectly.

More Details:
Waist belt is also known as hips belt. waist belt comes in use in history with long black string. women's tie the keys on waist with long strings. since women is always creative mind. they start to hang some bells or teasels on string. with times waist belts get popular belly chains. Belly chains was in fashion from long time for boys and girls they can wear on jeans to pants. dancers like to wear hips scarf also like to wear long waist belts in shape of hip scarf. so we have get tribal waist belts designed for belly dancers.
We always make sure the waist belts fits to your waist.
SKU Tribal waist/hips belt 7  
waist/hips measurement
Our price: $24.98
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