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Indian carpet

Indian carpet
Indian carpet
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More about Indian carpet:
The Indian carpet industry is the true expression of the worker's philosophy and their insight in to the nature. They express nature's changing moods in the form of designs on carpets. The designs, composition, color, size, finish, methods have been influenced by the incidents in Indian history, culture, myths, life style, and geographical conditions prevailing in the country.

History of Indian Carpets

Indian carpet industry does not originated as a part of tradition, but as an act of importation by Mughal emperors. It is believed that the first Mughal emperor Babur (1526-30) imported carpets from Turkey and Persia to enhance the ambience of his court. But, later imperial workshops for carpet production were actually set up by Akbar in Agra and Fatehpur Sikri. With the ruin of Mughal Empire, Indian handicrafts faced a set back. During 19th century local carpet workshops were governed and directed by English or European companies.

In the post-British period such indigenous industries started flourishing in different parts of the country. Each region engaged in making different types of carpets with variations in material (silk, wool, etc.), designs, color and quality. On the basis of quality of wool used in the production, the feel of carpets differs. Northern region carpets are soft and shiny - while those of southern region are rough and opaque. The leading carpet manufacturing workshops are located in Kashmir, Rajasthan, Punjab, Utttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh.
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