Home :: Tribal indian Jewellery :: Combo bracelet :: Ring combo bracelet 16

Ring combo bracelet 16

Ring combo bracelet 16
Bridal Bracalet
Bridal Combo bracelet
Full arm length combo bracelet
with upper armlet, to cuff with three beautiful rings
Made with Pure copper and gold polished
carved and design with beautiful kundan
Fits all sizes

More Details:
combo bracelet is combination of two jewellery, its can be combination of ring and bracelet,
it can be also combo of toe rings to anklet. combo bracelets are worn by princess or queen in history. later its worn by brides. and become party of bridal jewellery. you will love to browse our combo bracelet designs. we bring for you very interesting designs of combo bracelet in very valuable price.
SKU Ring combo bracelet 16  
Our price: $149.98
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