Home :: Kids dance costumes :: kids punjabi bhangra costume 5

kids punjabi bhangra costume 5

kids punjabi bhangra costume 5
Beautiful design of punjabi bhangar costume for kids
Brocade shine kameez with beautiful soft satin punjabhi patiala
punjabi vest jeckcet include
custom with your kids measurement and color choice.

More Details:
This skirt made to order with your size you can also suggest color
Please submit your order and we will email you back and request your measurement we do need. the measurement we do need your
1. height 2. bust 3. below bust 4waist 3. hips . 4 length of dress 5. length of pants
we will request your measurement with replying your email after received your order.
SKU kids punjabi bhangra costume 5  
Color A
Color B
As its custom made for you. If you have any suggestions please add here.
Our price: $49.98
: *
: *
: *
Type the characters you see in the picture:

The code is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as above.
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3 Mukhi Rudraksha
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Copper Jal Neti Lota Sarswati Idol 1 Bhandhani tie dye Scarf 29
Trim 37
15-yard cotton gypys skirt
Belly button bindi 60
Trim 37 15-yard cotton gypys skirt Belly button bindi 60